Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Guess Who Has A Problem With The Jersey Shore?!

Snooki and JWOWW!
Or should we say, Flow and Nancy!
The guidettes tried their hand at self-reverential comedy by posting a video on YouTube as their new alter-egos. Flow and Nancy are loud, trash-talking Jersey Girls who gots opinions and aint's afraid to share'em. (Obviously, this was a method acting exercise.)
We find the girls funnier when [...]

That Chloe is BACK! And now, she loves Hallowe'en! Now, we do too!

But some things about the day scare her, though, you'd never know it to look at her perfectly poised face! (God, do we love these!)

Check out Chloe's newest HIGHlarious video! (above)

John Quincy Adams
Leann Rimes
Edward Hicks
Grover Cleveland
Max Ernst